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Many thanks for your enquiry on Centuria NZ Agricultural Property Fund Limited. We’ll be in touch when this fund reopens for investment.
Centuria NZ Agricultural Property Fund Limited is the issuer of the shares. A Product Disclosure Statement, containing the terms and conditions of the offer, is available, and can be obtained by contacting the Bayleys Real Estate agents listed in this advertisement. Nothing in this advertisement constitutes an invitation to subscribe for, or an offer of shares, securities or financial products to any person, in any country, in which it would be unlawful to do so. Terms used in this advertisement have the same meaning as defined in the Product Disclosure Statement, unless the context suggests otherwise. Prospective investors are recommended to seek professional advice from a financial advice provider which takes into account their personal circumstances before making an investment decision. The selling agents are not providing personalised advice. Important information about the financial advice service provided by Bayleys Real Estate Limited is available at