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Invest with a proven funds manager

Centuria Capital Group is a leading, ASX-listed real estate investor and fund manager. We have a 25 year track-record of helping Kiwi investors grow their wealth through commercial property.

>20 bn

Trans-Tasman Assets under management


Property assets across Australia and New Zealand




Unlisted property fund investors


Adding value with an active approach

At Centuria, we believe property assets that are well acquired and actively managed provide the greatest potential to deliver strong risk-adjusted returns for investors.

Our process


Focused and passionate investment professionals

Meet the highly regarded and experienced team behind our managed funds.

Our team

25-year track record

Throughout multiple investment cycles our philosophy has been to ensure commercial property investment becomes more accessible to all New Zealanders.

When investing, we know your manager is as important as the underlying property. Which is why we have created a highly experienced, in-house team that actively manages a diverse portfolio of industrial, office, retail, healthcare and agricultural assets throughout New Zealand.

We provide investors with a range of listed and unlisted, single and multi-asset investment fund options. Our funds have delivered investors attractive returns through a combination of monthly income and capital growth.

Get notified of our next property fund offer

Centuria Funds Management (NZ) Limited is the issuer of the units in Centuria Shands Road Property Trust. A Product Disclosure Statement is available by contacting Centuria via Nothing in this advertisement constitutes an invitation to subscribe for, or an offer of shares, securities or financial products to any person, in any country, in which it would be unlawful to do so. Investors are recommended to seek professional advice from a financial advice provider which takes into account their personal circumstances before making an investment decision.

Foundations 101

Property investing 101

Visit our educational resource, Foundations, to learn more about commercial property investing.