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Commercial real estate debt (CRED)

Centuria is a leading property investment company offering wholesale investors access to our more sophisticated opportunities including Commercial Real Estate Debt (CRED) investment vehicles.

We have never been better positioned to provide wholesale opportunities with the growth of Centuria Capital Group through our merger with BASS Capital, bringing you a wealth of expertise in this sector.

Centuria may offer certain investments that are only open to “Wholesale Investors” as defined in clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013. If you don’t fall into one of these categories please contact us, as subject to the law we may still be able to accept your Application to invest as a wholesale investor.

Why invest in real estate debt

Investing in real estate debt gives Wholesale Investors exposure to an asset class with capital protection which benefits from a first ranking mortgages over the secured properties. If the underlying borrowers default on their loan, the secured properties can be sold and the proceeds applied to repay Investors. A secured debt investment provides a priority position in the capital structure of the borrower and is repaid ahead of equity.

The proposed investment involves a conservative LVR of 35.8%. If the borrower defaults on the loan and the secured properties are sold to recover the debt, the properties’ value would need to drop significantly before Investors’ capital is impacted.

Recent funds


Centuria Bass NZ First Mortgage Fund No. 4

Centuria Bass NZ First Mortgage Fund No. 4 was a wholesale fixed term property debt investment opportunity.

Find out more

Learn more about real estate debt

Banners_How does a real estate debt investment work-

How does a real estate debt investment work?

With a “debt” investment you can think of it more from the side of a bank – you’re on the lending side.

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